Annual Dinner at Pro-Act Stadium Chesterfield Football Club

Annual Dinner at Pro-Act Stadium Chesterfield Football Club

23 March 2018

The Pro-Act Stadium at Chesterfield was the venue again this year for the 52 Annual Dinner of the Society. Tom Hitchcock commenced proceedings by welcoming the 184 members and guests who attended. He also welcomed and introduced the many Club Captains who had given their support to the Dinner this year.
After the Honorary Secretary Peter Arnold had offered grace all enjoyed a menu of Farmhouse Pate with Cumberland Sauce on mixed leaves followed by Topside of British Beef with Yorkshire Pudding and horseradish sauce served with seasonable vegetables. The meal was concluded with an asseitte of desserts – vanilla cheesecake and cheese stack accompanied by coffee and mints.
Spencer Stanway the Society President proposed the Loyal Toast.
John Pearson the County Secretary of Northamptonshire Golf Ltd proposed the toast to The Derbyshire Society and Tom Hitchcock responded. In his response Tom welcomed all the guests from other Societies namely Manchester, Nottinghamshire, Leicestershire and Rutland, Norfolk, Shropshire & Herefordshire, Cambridge, Northamptonshire and Sheffield. He also welcomed Paul Longden one of our members who was attending in his capacity of President of Derbyshire County Golf Ltd.
Andrew Raftery M.D. F.R.C.S. a retired Consultant General and Kidney Transplant Surgeon with wide experience in the Health Service and a hobby of late of professional acting and after dinner speaking responded on behalf of the guests. He made full use of his experiences in the Health Service for some of his material.
Peter Brabbing of Chesterfield Golf Club was the M.C.


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