
Rules & Objectives


The Title of the Society shall be “SOCIETY OF DERBYSHIRE GOLF CAPTAINS”


Membership of the Society shall be confined to Gentleman Captains and Ex-Captains of Golf Clubs affiliated to Derbyshire County Golf Ltd, but the following shall also be eligible at the discretion of the Executive.

Gentleman Captains and Ex-Captains of other County Union affiliated Golf Clubs residing in Derbyshire.

All applications for membership shall be subject to the approval of the Executive.


1. To further the interests of Golf and to maintain its traditions.
2. To consolidate in its membership, those who have been actively engaged in the administrative control of Golf Clubs and to give them the opportunity of contributing their comprehensive experience to all aspects of the game
3.  To organise and control such Competitions and Functions as the Executive decide.


The governing body of the Society shall be called the Executive and the control and management shall be vested in it.
The Executive shall consist of a President, (who shall also act as Chairman), Captain, Immediate Past Captain, Vice-Captain, Honorary Secretary, Honorary Assistant Secretary, Honorary Treasurer and a Committee of not more that six members, any four members of the Executive shall form a quorum at any meeting.



The holder of the Office of President shall be selected by the Captain, Past Captains and Vice Captain (Captain Elect) of the Society, and shall be elected/re-elected each year at the Annual General Meeting. The President may be re-elected for a maximum of five years


The Vice Captain (Captain Elect) shall be selected by the Captain Past Captains and Captain Elect of the Society at a meeting to be called by the President


The Committee shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting to serve for three years and shall be eligible for re-election. After the first three years one third of the members shall retire each year in rotation but shall be eligible for re-election. In the first instance the order of retirement shall be decided by ballot. The Executive shall have the power to fill casual vacancies on the Executive until the next Annual General Meeting.


The Accounts of the Society shall be made up to the end of December in each year and an examined copy thereof shall be presented to the Annual General Meeting.


The Annual General Meeting of the Society shall be held on such date as shall be decided by the Executive. A Special General Meeting shall be called by the Honorary Secretary on the requisition in writing of at least 20 members. The Honorary Secretary shall give 14 days notice of all General Meetings with an Agenda of business.
The Annual General Meeting of the Society shall be held on such date as shall be decided by the Executive. A Special General Meeting shall be called by the Honorary Secretary on the requisition in writiAny member wishing to move a Resolution at any General Meeting must send a copy thereof signed by the Proposer and Seconder to the Honorary Secretary to reach him at least 7 days before such meetings, provided that this rule shall not apply to resolutions relating to the Society’s accounts, election of Officers or Committees or resolutions proposed on the authority of the Executive. Voting on resolutions shall be by a show of hands unless a ballot shall be demanded by at least 10 members present at the Meeting. In the event of a tie in voting, the Chairman of the Meeting shall have an additional or casting of at least 20 members. The Honorary Secretary shall give 14 days notice of all General Meetings with an Agenda of business.


The Executive shall have the power to nominate Vice-Presidents, who, in addition to the Founder members shall be ex-officio members of the Executive so long as they continue to be members of the Society.
The Executive shall have the power to nominate other categories of Members and to determine the terms of membership.


The Annual subscriptions shall be determined by the Executive and shall be due on March 1st each year and shall be payable by Standing Order to the Society’s account.
Where a subscription remains unpaid by the following December 31st, then the individual membership will be deemed to have lapsed and the Members name will be removed from the list of Members without further notice.


All Competitions and Functions shall be arranged as and when and where the Executive may decide. All such competitions shall be played under the Rules of Golf. The decision of the Executive will be final on all competition matters.


Any Member wishing to resign from the Society shall give notice thereof to the Honorary Secretary in writing to reach him not later than the 28th February in any one year.


Any Member wishing to propose any alteration to these Rules shall, at least one month prior to the Annual General Meeting make application to the Executive and, if approved, a Notice of Motion setting out the proposed alteration or addition shall be circulated with the notice convening the Annual General Meeting. A majority of 75% of those voting at such Annual General Meeting shall be required to authorise any alteration or addition to the Rules.


The Society may be dissolved by a resolution proposed at a General Meeting duly called for the purpose and passed by a majority which shall comprise 75% of those voting.
The funds of the Society on dissolution shall be expended in discharging the debts and liabilities of the Society and any balance shall be expended by the Executive in such manner as the Executive decide.


Any dispute as to the meaning or construction of these Rules or any breach thereof shall be decided by the Executive, whose decision shall be binding on all matters.
Revised and adopted at the April 2019 AGM
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