Captain v Vice Captain at Alfreton Golf Club

Captain v Vice Captain at Alfreton Golf Club

23 August 2018

This match was played in a very friendly atmosphere as always.
We assembled at Alfreton and were well looked after by past captain Alan Beastall, who made sure everything was in order, he even put the flag up for us!
The course was founded in 1892 and has an air of age about it, being very traditional with the course making full use of the available ground and its contours. It was in great condition and all complemented the Club not only for this but for a welcome meal and wine after the game.
Unfortunately, this was not a well-attended fixture and added to this 3 had to withdraw at the last minute. None the less all present appeared to enjoy themselves with plenty of spirit and banter.
After dinner Captain of Alfreton, Dereck Martin, welcomed us all to his Club and gave us a short history of his time there and told us how friendly the Club was. Captain Graham thanked him and complemented those in authority on the condition of the course. He presented Dereck with a cheque for Club funds which was greatly appreciated. Vice Captain, Derek Northin also thanked the Club, being his first formal event and he had made a good early start, by his team winning 5-2 against Captain Graham’s team.
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