Manchester Captains at Buxton Golf Club

Manchester Captains at Buxton Golf Club

24 June 2019

Having assemble for lunch at 12-00 the heavens opened for half an hour. This was much earlier than the forecast downpour. Despite this our local weather guru, President Mike, thought it a good idea to limit the golf to 10 holes. This was immediately overthrown and we all enjoyed a full round in good weather, although a little close as was the match ending at the last green for the last match.
The course was in great condition, tidy with fast greens as one expects at High Peak in the Summer.
Both the lunch and dinner were very good and our thanks are due to catering staff.
After the meal President Mike gave a somewhat belated loyal toast followed by a welcome to the visitors from Captain Derek again followed by a joke, where does he get them all from? A response by Manchester captain Danny Stone was well received and he then had the pleasure of presenting the Don Macfarlane Trophy to Derbyshire.
Result: 5 ½ – 4 ½ to Derbyshire
Winners: Derek Northin & Drue Turner, Bob Roberts & Ian Marr, Martin Eyre & John Barber, Clive Ibbotson & Philip Anderson, Ken Holland & David Brock
Half: Peter McGrath & Phil Godfrey
Also played: Mike Whalley & Terry Payne, Chris Kelk & Neil Armstrong, Tony Gee & Ron Adams, Dereck Martin & Tony Broadhurst


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