Norfolk Captains at Royal Norwich Golf Club

Norfolk Captains at Royal Norwich Golf Club

18 May 2021

View the results Sheet
The 1st match of the year got under way at a wet Erewash Valley Golf Club against Norfolk.
The rain cleared before the 1st game started and the course wasn’t in too bad a condition considering the amount of rain we have endured this May. Derbyshire got off to a winning start to the season winning the trophy by 6½ to 3½. Looking at the results sheet it looked as if it was going to be a really tight match when after 5 matches Norfolk were 3-2 up, but the back 5 teams of Derbyshire swung it Derbyshire’s way with 4 games won and 1 halved. This put Derbyshire’s wins on the trophy to 3 wins since the introduction in 2009, with Norfolk having won it 7 times and 2 matches being halved.
The day was finished with a meal and a few words from both Captains Gary Goodchild from Norfolk and Bob Roberts from Derbyshire.


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