Warwickshire Captains at Burton on Trent Golf Club Warwickshire Captains at Burton on Trent Golf Club 5 July 2019 No trophy for this event but that did not stop Northin’s terriers putting up a good fight. We assembled for a light lunch on a bright sunny day with almost zero wind. What could be better? No excuses at all for playing bad golf. There were 8 pairs a side playing better ball match play. Below are the results. Won Derek Northin & Ian GloverBob Roberts & Roger JewellDereck Martin & John BantonAdrian Shepperson & Tony Broadhurst Halved Eddie Babb & Mick Holmes Lost Mike Whalley & Colin Barnard Martin Eyre & Geoff Holmes Ian Marr & Chris Kelk We all had a great day thanks to Burton G C for the food, the course and the welcome. SOCIETY OF DERBYSHIRE GOLF CAPTAINS MATCH VERSUS WARWICKSHIRE CAPTAINS Gallery software for photographers and Galleria.